About eDiagnostic
eDiagnostic Healthcare teleradiology and teleimaging center, launched in the year of its legalization in Romania, with 100% Romanian private capital, through its elite medical team, with longstanding experience in teleradiology and overspecialization in various areas of imaging, aims to support the work of public and private hospitals and clinics, by establishing correct protocols with them and providing services for the rapid and correct interpretation of remote computer tomography (CT) examinations, magnetic resonance examinations (MRI) and radiographs (X-ray).
As patient safety is our priority, we support the quality of medical care both through experience and super-specialisation in the different areas of imaging (neuroradiology, musculoskeletal imaging, abdominal imaging, chest, vascular imaging, ENT imaging) and by providing state-of-the-art technology, including artificial intelligence software and technical and working conditions conducive to the doctors involved being able to provide accurate results in the shortest possible time.

We want to solve the problem of the lack of radiologists in public hospitals and private clinics in Romania. We are in the age of technology, and teleradiology is the next step in making medical care more efficient, increasing the quality of medical care and the volume of investigations while minimizing costs.
We see ourselves as an important point of support for public or private hospitals and clinics, which are struggling in the context of the significant global shortage of radiologists, and an aid to local authorities in meeting the need for imaging investigations in the population.
We come to the support of our colleagues radiologists or clinicians, constantly or in difficult periods such as leaves/holidays, to limit their overload. Also, in complex/specific cases we support our colleagues by second opinion.
The core values that guide our team are the high quality of the services we provide, as well as their efficiency and speed. By combining the extensive experience of our specialists, with the organisation by subspecialties within radiology and additional artificial intelligence programmes, we increase the quality of medical care and shorten the waiting times.
eDIAGNOSTIC, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, together with fellow radiologists or clinicians in public and private hospitals or clinics in Romania, through imaging services via teleradiology, provided by an elite medical team, with longstanding experience in teleradiology, and subspecialization in the various areas of medical imaging.