eDiagnostic Doctors
eDiagnostic offers Radio Imaging expertise via Teleradiology to public and private clinics and hospitals in Romania, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, thanks to its elite medical team with extensive experience in teleradiology.

The radiologists at the eDiagnostic centre are able to provide fast and accurate interpretations, both because of this experience and because of their over-specialisation in the various areas of imaging, such as:
- neuroradiology and ENT imaging,
- musculoskeletal imaging
- abdominal and pelvic imaging,
- chest imaging,
- vascular imaging
If needed during an imaging exam in a clinic or hospital, we offer real-time remote assistance.
The quality of medical care is also supported by the state-of-the-art technology used, including artificial intelligence software and the technical and working conditions provided within the centre.